Personal Visions Essay

I’ve been on this earth for nearly 18 years and I still have no idea what I'm going to do for the next 18. I realize that most people have thought about their future since they were little and I guess I did too, but it was more unrealistic than plausible. My mom and I would dream up a future where I would be able to make enough money to retire my parents in a fantastic home with enough money to do whatever they wanted. A future where money wasn’t an issue, I wouldn’t have to worry about whether or not I would have any, but what I would do with it. As I grow older, it seems more like a fairytale than anything. 

As of right now, I can picture myself in college, successful, learning lots, but I can’t see any profession that jumps out of the page at me. I can see myself graduating college, but not necessarily after four years like most people. I enjoy learning and I don’t necessarily want to graduate right away just so that I can begin working. My mom always tells me that college was the best time of her life and often wants to go back, even though she was in college for 10 years. Most people like to graduate after four years, but not me, I want to stay in school for as long as I possibly can. To learn enough that it will put me ahead in whatever field that I decide to go into.  

I want to become successful in whatever job I decide is right for me, but I also want to be happy. Most women you see in movies who are successful, have many problems and aren’t necessarily happy with their personal life. Outside of working, they have nothing. This may be because they worked so hard to get to where they are in their company that they begin to neglect their wellbeing and happiness. I do not want to be one of those people. I know I am one of those types of people who gets so caught up in schoolwork, that I forget that I need to be happy with myself not necessarily my grades. 

But, the real question is, where can I see myself in twenty years? Well, I can’t predict the future, but I know that I want to be happy and possibly at the same time successful in my career. In other words, I want to be in a place in my life where I am as happy as ever and my true colors can show through.